Who Am I

Alvin Dwi Putra
Welcome to How To Good Health
Thanks for visiting!

I created this blog to remind myself and to all of you about the importance of health care for ourselves.
I am not a doctor or dietitian, but I try to share with you from my experience and some of the articles I read and my quick back with easy language.

I love learning and reading recipes neighbor that I like and I'm looking to know about the food. If references I found were something delicious and healthy I would describe again.

I was a student at one campus in Indonesia; I am interested in health that I learned from a few books and articles that I often find in the campus library.
I am a vegetarian from elementary school and from there I began to learn about human health and the human diet properly and this is my medium to share with you all. If you want to contact me, Please E - Mail me at alvinadsent@gmail.com


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