Thursday, January 23, 2014

How To Lower High Your Cholesterol Faster ?

How to lower cholesterol? High cholesterol levels are caused by a buildup of fat and stick it on the wall of blood vessels. Cholesterol is also found in the food we eat by it because we have to pay more attention to our food. Impact of diseases caused by excessive cholesterol or high cholesterol includes:

1. Stroke
2. High blood
3. Heart

How to cope with high cholesterol?

Simply lower the high cholesterol is to set up a healthy diet. How do I?

1. Turmeric “Sari Turmeric” take turmeric in a way that is clean and thinly sliced and boiled with water. Once cool then strain and drink regularly.

2. Cabbage “cabbage juice” drink every day.

3. Avocado “Young Avocado” by way of take 1 avocado young then eat , do every day.

4. Wild Ginger  “Ginger Sari” in a way to take ginger and peeled and shredded. Then give enough hot water and allow settling. If it is cold, remove sediment and drunk every day.

5. Garlic “Garlic Eating “ Thinly slice garlic and eat 2 times a day.

6. Celery “Sari Celery” by celery boiled with water, when cool then strain and drink every day.

7. Shallots “Eat Onions” by thinly sliced red onion and eat 3 times a day.

8. Sweet star fruit “Eat Fruit Carrabolla” Take 1 star fruit and eat in the morning and evening, do every day.

God willing to consume some food on you will avoid High Cholesterol which causes bad things to your health.


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