Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Benefits Kurma Fruit For Health

Kurma fruit, fruit that is comfortable and certainly contains a lot of carbohydrates . fruit very well known until around the world. has a sweet taste and delicious to be enjoyed every day. For Muslims Kurma are very good in consumption and a recommendation for consumption. palm fruit has a slightly brownish black color and oval shaped. However, in addition to edible favors, a Kurma has a million benefits to our health. So what kind of benefits ?
Kurma Fruit
Kurma are also easily found in the markets in your area now that a Kurma has many known and in demand by people in the world. and the origin of palm fruit that is in Saudi Arabia, an important benefit of this is a Korma,

Bone, Giver of nutrition for human bone, the age and strength of a person's bone density will also decrease. Kurma contain mineral resources and selenuim, magnesium, manganese and copper. high in nutrients needed by the bone health and able to fight bone loss.

Energy, Are you easily tired, at the end of a person's labor activity, fatigue would be a problem experienced by everyone. This fruit contains natural sugar levels are high enough as glucose, sucrose and fructose certainly beneficial to restore the body's energy is depleted during the move. and also can cure anemia. because it has a deterrent nature of anemia.

Healthy Digestive System, Kurma contain a soluble fiber and beneficial amino acid that helps the process of digestion takes place better and more efficient. So as to ease the digestive system works.

Constipation, Constipation cure easily. symptoms difficult to defecation or constipation becomes a serious problem for some people. contains several large fiber that can alleviate and overcome the natural constipation.

Headwork, Fixing the human brain works, Korma be the best food for the brain organ. because Kurma contain potassium which works to increase the health and speed of your brain thinking. maintain the health of our heart.
Struktur Nutrient Kurma Fruit
The benefits that give us comfort in life and certainly do not let us not try the sweet and tasty fruit . Be sure to read the other articles.
Thanks 1 & 2

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Benefits Vegetables Broccoli For Health

Vegetable broccoli tasty and delicious to eat. Broccoli has long been known as the vegetables are useful for a variety of diseases and physical fitness. Compounds contained in this vegetable are Sulforaphane that can fight cancer. It's amazing the content of broccoli.
Vegetables Broccoli For Health
History, Broccoli comes from the Mediterranean region. Since the time of ancient Greece. This plant has been developed in Indonesia since 1970 until now and we can easily give the broccoli in a traditional market in our area.
Broccoli is eaten not all but only part of the green flower heads. Flower heads like a tree branch with a thick stem. In most surrounded by foliage. Itself is similar to broccoli cabbage, but have distinct colors.

Benefits Vegetables Broccoli For Health

Broccoli vegetable stew and many used for the steamer. Can also be eaten straight away if you want, but it feels a little weird. Contained therein lot of vitamin C and dietary fiber. And also contain compounds gukorafanin which is a form of anti-cancer compounds sulforafana Worlds. Not only cancer that could heal by broccoli. Based on research results of the content contained in these vegetables potentially treat eczema. Broccoli also contains compounds that are anti- cancer isothiocyanate.

Details of nutrition is conceived of Broccoli Water, protein, fat carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, vitamins A, C, E, riboflavin, nicotinamide. As well as calcium beta-carotene and glutathione. Very much at all and certainly will keep our immune system from various diseases like,
1. Preventing respiratory disorders
2. Improving brain power
3. Controlling blood sugar levels
4. Neutralize cancer-causing substances
5. Protect your immune system
6. Improves skin health
The ability of this vegetable will not doubt and you must consume these vegetables on a regular basis and can be combined with a variety of recipes like soups broccoli or broccoli fried with spicy sauce. Very exciting to eat with our families.

10 Techniques to achieving your new year’s resolutions

The wonderful thing if we can run through our days with positive and better than Previously, and probably most people still do not feel like it. Therefore we techniques should require a specially assigned the New Year resolution for us.

New Year with the same situation? Usual habits of the New Year is to get together with friends and play for celebrate the negative things that can damage the body and also our own. New Year Used to improve ourselves, we get a good opportunity to spend time with family and friends but with the atmosphere of joy. But not everybody gets things like that. How can I resolve this and can change our lives according to the purpose Feeling that coagulates and sometimes resides in us if I or we are in unhappy circumstances? Angry? Agitated? Sad? That things need to change.

Changes to the new resolution and will be revealed to be easy and our lives in the future will be more organized and will bring more positive things again, let's make a plan and fixed spirit .

10 Techniques to achieving your new year’s resolutions

1. Confidence
Maybe you have a lot of activities and small parts of yourself interesting that and many are making changes, but there is one that continues to stick to step old habits or patterns. We shopped often quite interesting. If you are already aware of this section, you should discuss and have the best interests is hearts that their behavior you want to continue working for you every time. Relaxed, that all things are not longer useful. Confidence in small steps so that you do will make you more many have a wonderful experience. By because it is to live alone and be sure that what you do in the future will be better.

2. Simple
Simplicity that appears to the future and keep making great plans and certainly do a lot of things that make up our mind continues to work and the little things do not ever overlooked because simplicity is a small thing that is done sincere and create things in the future or in the years following.

3. Great Resolution and Consistent
Manage all plans and do it consistently and be careful not to waste time in vain that if you should feel you finish with a very short deadline. Resolve, the key of thing you would do is create goals and consistent with this, do not forget all the things have to try hard as well as consistency with what we do.

4. Appreciation for Yourself.Not Chocolate or Flowers that can make you will be rewarded, but that you yourself which has continued to make good and sure you go you will be motivated to keep trying because you own that appreciate and reward ourselves more itself.

5. Forgive Ourselves
Forgive yourself the time and not utilize the opportunity given and do the best in the past, start with something new and make a strong embroidery and skills knowledge to live a life in the future by being more gentle

6. Planning Support Mechanism
Provide time to devise mechanisms to support future things well, such as the support of family, friends, and the people there surrounded us as neighbors and so on that can make us stronger and determined to do things according to plan, even if not according to plan we have a backup plan to help ourselves so as not to waste time.

7. Controlling Stress
The trip will be far and obstruction will come from physical and mentally, physically you may be able to prevent it by living a healthier and keep on serving consistency. But for mental and circumstances that will arise is due to stress ourselves that are too heavy to think and worry. You must strive to control your stress so you will be there at your initial destination.

8. Self-Introspection
Questions will arise such as, Are you already leave your vices? Did you avoid it? Or at least you’ve changed your ugliness into something useful for yourself. For example, smoking is the thing that will ruin yourself and the people around you, you probably already know, and some people will not agree with this fact. Changes because introspecting themselves very useful to make your people more powerful than cigarettes leave you will save yourself and the people around you and will make you more efficient in terms of cost of living. So better leave and choose the things that are useful.

9. Own Idea
Create brilliant ideas that can petrify you have a strong determination and keeping in mind the life. And fulfilling and satisfying lives admit that they are human and not human problem all and not perfect and all strive to do our best and it was quite good in most cases.

10. Exercising Routine Resolution
Routine, if we do every day for 3 months can be a habit for life. If you are really serious about regular exercise such as neighbors, you walk 4 miles in 30 minutes, 4 times a week. You will need to walk every day for 1 month for make new habits and customs it will be applied into solid concrete yourself you after doing it every day for 3 months.

Happy New Year preparing you with new things that are nurturing, safe, giving, love, Have a wonderful year ahead!

Importance of Eating Long Bean

Long Bean
Long beans are a vegetable that is easy to find on the market around your home. Important to consume these foods because they contain several important substances such as Beta-carotene, Chlorophyll, Vitamins B1 and B2, Protein, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Iron, Fiber, Pectin.

It is clear that the nutrient content is owned by the beans very much at all. Ocher before further explanation let us discuss the physical form of the bean itself. Elliptic beans and often combined with a variety of dishes such as stir-fried dishes, curries, vegetables. Has a good taste and certainly beneficial to our health.

Place, Long beans easily found in fields, gardens, houses, yards, fields. Maintenance is very easy to be a reason as plants that are often planted and widely available throughout the country Indonesia I was. The vegetables will be well when the body how full of humus in the soil, and can hold water. Plants derived from the growing African laugh at 1,000 above sea.

Long beans also have flowers that are on the end of the shaft, have white, yellow, or blue and bloom every morning. Shaped fruits can reach 75cm long poll. Round and long seeds with indentation middle, dark red, white, black, and brindle.

Vegetables that can be useful to control blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of hypertension and heart attack stroke, constipation, and boost digestive functioning. Another benefit that has diuretic properties which can facilitate urination.

Some countries regard the beans as rheumatism, arthritis and urinary tract disorders. Also to keep the skin from acne problems to help the recovery of burns, diarrhea and kidney disorders. The risk of breast cancer and leukemia can both use beans to prevent because have anti-cancer substances. Have other substances such as antioxidants, antibacterial and antiviral properties and can improve the function of red blood cells, back pain and less blood.

How long to take advantage of a health nut.

To shed urine,
Provide 50 grams of bean leaves. Wash with clean water and boiled with two glasses of water about 30 minutes. After that cold, water and juice drink 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon.

For back pain sufferers,
Prepare 200 grams of bean seeds, 200 grams of ginger, and 25 gran kencur . Combine all ingredients in a banner and boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. later. Strain the water and then drink it regularly.

To increase stamina and overcome fatigue,
Take 100 grams of green beans, coupled with angco 5 pieces (remove seeds) and add 25 grams kencur. Unite under the banner and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. strain the water and add honey to taste and then drink it down.

For patients with anemia or less blood,
Prepare 200 grams of green beans, 100 grams of wine and 1 chicken liver. Cook all ingredients until cooked. If you want to add other ingredients in order to feel more comfortable please just be creative.

All disease is no cure and workarounds that have been given by God. So we stayed right harnessing material that has been given by God as guard ourselves to always be fit and healthy.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Benefits Cucumber Fruit For Health

Cucumber is a fruit and many people also refer to cucumbers as vegetables, cucumber useful for treating diseases such as dysentery and dizziness or headaches. Seeds of cucumber also have a toxic alkaloid type’s hypoxanthic to treat children who suffer from intestinal worms and sore throat. In addition, cucumber also can be used to eliminate acne, lowering blood pressure, heal canker sores and kidney cleanse.

1 Cucumber Seeds Contains:
0.65 % Protein
2:20 % Carbohydrates
0:10 % Fat
Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C

How to treat the disease by using Cucumber Fruit:

Overcoming Pain High Blood Pressure,
Cucumber fruit puree or grated cucumber, squeeze and take the water from the cucumber. Then drink and do 2 to 3 times a day.

Overcoming Pain thrush treatment,
Consuming 9 cucumber fruit regularly will be able to heal the pain of canker sores.

Overcoming Pain cleanse the kidneys,
Grate cucumber and squeeze the water, then drink until lambing accustomed to receiving fluids that produced cucumbers, and do every day routine.

Overcoming Pain fever,
Grate cucumber and put grated results on your abdomen.

Overcoming Pain acne,
Clean the cucumber and cut into small equal, then place the slices on facial acne, well done before bed.

Benefits Strawberry Fruit to Health

Strawberry fruit is a small red fruit and has black spots, this fruit is good for your health and have a sweet taste and a bit of fruit acid which is very famous all over the world. Strawberry fruit if the benefits proved to be very good for health because it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits and give 94 milligrams of vitamin C that can exceed the body's needs up to 1.5 of vitamin C daily. Vitamin C has efficacy can maintain the health of teeth and gums to stay healthy children, increase the body's resistance to infection and can help heal wounds quickly. How to become petrified that antioxidants reduce the risk of some kinds of cancer.

8 Strawberry fruit contains 10 calories and is no Cholesterol or fatty acids. The amount is comparable to 30 micrograms of folic acid. Amount equal to 7.5% of the daily requirement of folic acid for pregnant women about 400 micrograms. Acid contains about 300 milligrams of potassium, potassium is one recommended minerals present in the food menu for people who want to lower blood pressure. A similar number also contains about 4 grams of fiber, which is also beneficial to petrified lower blood cholesterol and fat levels and launch the digestion. Fruit strawberries also contain phytochemical compounds namely ellagik acid, kaempferol, quercetin, fenolat acid and anthocyanin that can prevent blood clotting, one of the causes for people affected by heart disease and stroke.

According to research carried out the United State Department of Agriculture, the benefits of strawberries will not change despite the already processed into juice, pies or jams. Research proves, the toast smeared with Strawberry Jam antioksiden contains 50 percent more than the fresh strawberries.
Consume 1 cup fresh strawberries each day can lower the risk of many types of cancer. Including cancer of the cervix, breast, colon, and throat.

Strawberry Fruit to Health

Research carried out by the United State Department of Agriculture, strawberries have a uniqueness that is if fruit strawberries in a food or ingredient though so the juice. content elements remain and are not diminished in the least. Research also proves that the toast that has been in the brush by Strawberry Jam contains 50% more than the fruit of fresh strawberries. Consume 1 cancer fresh strawberries each day can lower the risk of cancer, such as cervical, breast cancer.
 Benefits of Strawberries can increase brain power and keep the vision remains clear. Benefit that can be obtained if you regularly consume strawberries, at least 1 till 3 glasses per day. Strawberries can be used as a cure for acne, because many strawberries contain salicylic acid which generally exists on acne medications.
Acne remedy: Strawberry fruit Puree and mix with a little yogurt, apply on the face, let stand for 15 minutes, then flush with warm water.

Eat while munching on strawberries every day can also to whiten teeth and eliminate bad breath. The content contained in Strawberry fruit also is beneficial for the smooth skin of the body. For being able to lift the dead skin cells.
Smoothes skin body: Soak the pieces of fruit strawberries, combine milk and olive oil. Polishing throughout your body. If you return to take a dip with strawberries I am sure your skin will be noticeably smoother and not dull, legs will not be cracked and the back delicately like a baby.

Strawberries VS. Cancer

Already explained a bit above that Strawberry can cure cancer, because it is essentially a Strawberry fruit has a very high aktioksidan. And antioxidants are compounds that can protect body cells from damage by cause of cancer.
Even known to have anti-cancer properties of Strawberry, strawberry extract against in the experiment by U.S. Department of agriculture, strawberry Extracts inhibit the growth of cervical cancer and breast cancer cells. The study showed that ellagik acid contained in strawberry fruits can inhibit cancer of the lung, breast, esophagus, liver and skin cancers caused by the digestion of chemicals. Ellagik acid can also inhibit the growth of cancer till 45%. Very Excellent Fruit.

Unsuspected fruit little benefit and very much and not suspected to be able to deal with deadly diseases such as cancer. Thanks to the Lord that we should give the best gift in the world.