Friday, January 24, 2014

How to Eliminate Fatigue in Our Bodies

Tired is a state that comes when we finished doing the activity and energy taking care of us felt weak and tired . Whole body felt weak to driven to do more activities again. Which is a simple way you do that is with a quick break, but if you want more know how as follows:

1. Accustomed to eat breakfast before starting your activity. Due to the regular breakfast before the activity and the strength of our minds is more stable because the presence of energy from our food.

2. Nutritious food is food that contains the kinds of nutrients needed by us. Carbohydrates, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals and foods that have high seta. So avoid fatigue after the move. Maintained body and make the body more stable.

3. Drinking water suits our needs. Is a rule that is 8 glasses a day, because the water will skim the blood flow throughout our body organs? The blood flow smoothly inner strength will increase as well

4. Listening to music that you like an effective way to relieve fatigue that exists in your body. Please listen to the music activity after double yen prefer to sit back with as it will help relieve your fatigue.

5. Watching the events that make laugh on television or in your laptop after doing the activity. Laugh off and thus the load on the tired mind and your body will disappear quickly.

6. A shower first before you do the activity if it is not time to try to wash your face with cold water , it will also help relieve fatigue in your body .

Healthy body has many activities and work will make us more productive as a human being and not spend the time that God gave to us.


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